


下面是蓝鲸(blue whale )的一些英文资料
The blue whale is the largest mammal, possibly the largest animal, to ever inhabit the earth. Its body is long, somewhat tapered, and streamlined, with the head making up less than one-fourth of its total body length. Its rostrum (upper part of the head) is very broad and flat and almost U-shaped, with a single ridge that extends just forward of the blowholes to the tip of the snout. Its blowholes are contained in a large, raised "splash guard", and the blow is tall and straight and over 20 feet (6 meters) high. Its body is smooth and relatively free of parasites, but a few barnacles attach themselves to the edge of the fluke and occasionally to the tips of the flippers and to the dorsal fin. There are 55-68 ventral grooves or pleats extending from the lower jaw to near the navel.
The blue whale is blue-gray in color, but often with lighter gray mottling on a darker background (or with darker spots on a lighter background). The underside of its flippers may be a lighter color or white, while the ventral (underside) of the fluke is dark. The blue whale acquires microorganisms called diatoms in the cold waters of the Antarctic and North Pacific and North Atlantic which give the underside of its body a yellowish green caste. Because of this yellow color, the early whalers gave it the name "sulfur bottom."
The longest blue whale ever recorded was a 108-foot adult female caught during whaling efforts in Antarctica! In modern times, blue whales in the Southern Hemisphere reach lengths of 90-100 feet , but their Northern Hemisphere counterparts are smaller, on average 75 to 80 feet (23 to 24.5 m). Blue whales can weigh over 100 tons (99,800 kg). Females are larger than males of the same age, the largest perhaps weighing as much as 150 tons (136,000 kg).
The blue whale is thought to feed almost exclusively on small, shrimp-like creatures called euphausiids or krill. During the summer feeding season the blue whale gorges itself, consuming an astounding 4 tons (3.6 metric tons) or more each day. This means it may eat up to 40 million krill a day. As a baleen whale, it has a series of 260-400 fringed overlapping plates hanging from each side of the upper jaw, where teeth might otherwise be located. These plates consist of a fingernail-like material called keratin that frays out into fine hairs on the ends inside the mouth near the tongue. The plates are black and measure about 20 inches (51 cm) in length toward the front of the mouth and about 40 inches (102 cm) at the rear. During feeding, large volumes of water and food can be taken into the mouth because the pleated grooves in the throat expand. As the mouth closes water is expelled through the baleen plates, which trap the food on the inside near the tongue to be swallowed.


学名:Balaenoptera musculus(Linnaeus,1758)
英文名:Blue whale
南蓝鲸(B.m intermedia Burmeister,1871)南蓝鲸分布于南半球;南蓝鲸雌性长23~24M,雄性22米性成熟,身体成熟的体长分别为26~27M和24~25m;
北蓝鲸(B.m musculus Linnaeus,1958)北蓝鲸分布于北大西洋和北太平洋。北蓝鲸雌性长21~23m,雄性20~21m性成熟,分别在25和24米长时身体成熟;
小蓝鲸(B.m brevicaukta Ichihara,1966)小蓝鲸分布印度洋和东南大西洋的亚南极海域。小蓝鲸雌性长19m,雄性略小于19m性成熟,雌雄长分别为22和21m时身体成熟。
蓝鲸是真正的海上巨兽,平均长度约26米,最高记录为33.5米,平均体重150吨。这样的巨兽需要大量的食物,一头成年蓝鲸一天消耗100万卡左右的热量,相当于1吨磷虾,磷虾是它 的大宗食物。蓝鲸游入浅滩,吞进满口的水和磷虾。磷虾被充当活塞的舌头过滤出来,舌头迫使水通过悬挂于上颚两侧的似大筛子结构的鲸须流出去。一头蓝鲸的舌头厚3米多,其重 量比一头大象还重。
蓝鲸曾漫游于世界各大洋,据统计,单在南大洋中就曾有25万头这样巨兽。但最近几年,无情的捕鲸业使得蓝鲸的数量越来越少,不足该总数的1%。确定蓝鲸的数量是很困难的,目前 估计南极地区有几百到1.1万头之间。这个数字无论正确与否,与曾经有过的数量相比,已经到了危险的下限。尽管最近50年来,一直限制捕鲸,并于1967年强制禁止捕鲸,但在科学 研究的伪装下,仍然有人继续对蓝鲸进行商业性捕猎。
蓝鲸迁移的距离很大,夏天,它们生活在极地水域,以邻近浮冰边缘的大量磷虾为食。当冬天来临时,它们迁移到温暖的赤道水域,行程数千公里。据悉,一头蓝鲸只用47天时间,游 程就达3000公里以上。如此超长的旅程使得它们远离进食基地,长达4个月之久的时间内概不进食。以积蓄的储能为生。
蓝鲸的孕期为11个月,而一头新生幼鲸的身长就达7米左右,体重达2吨或更重些,每天吃奶半吨多,一个星期后,体重就增加一倍。到6个月左右断奶的时候,幼鲸的身长会加倍,但 需再隔4或5年,它才性成熟和充分发育。
长到能单个或结对地邀游世界大洋的蓝鲸,可活到120岁。尽管采用独居的生活方式,但它们有着进行超远距离通迅的先进方法,能产生一种低频率高强度的声音。已记录到的声频达 180分贝,这是已知由动产生的最大噪音,超过一架喷气式飞机飞行时产生的噪音。声音可延续30秒钟,能被1610公里以外的其他蓝鲸听到。
蓝鲸是自古至今世界上最大、最重的动物。它在海面上出现时像黑黝黝的小山。恐龙 曾是地球上的庞然大物,最大者体长可达25米,体重近50吨,但与蓝鲸相比就显得小了。 人类捕到的最大的蓝鲸,体长竟达34.6米,重170吨,相当于27头大象或150头牛,用4吨卡 车拉这头蓝鲸,需要43辆之多。
蓝鲸也是动物世界中绝无仅有的大力士。一头蓝鲸以每小时28千米的速度前进,可产 生1250千瓦的功率,相当于一个中型火车头的拉力。曾有一头蓝鲸把一艘27米长的捕鲸快 艇拖着游了8个半小时,平均时速为9千米,当时这艘快艇开足马力向后退行,却仍被它拉 着向前行驶了74千米。
蓝鲸性情温顺,爱吃个头很小的浮游动物,特别嗜吃磷虾。蓝鲸吃东西时,张开巨口, 让海水和浮游动物一齐涌入,大有百川汇口之势,然后把嘴一闭,海水从须缝里排出,滤下 的小动物,便可吞入肚中。蓝鲸的胃口极大,每餐可吃1吨磷虾,一天可吃4-5吨,真可谓是 吃饭冠军了。
蓝鲸是用肺呼吸的哺乳动物,因此每隔10-15分钟需露出水面呼吸。蓝鲸露出水面时,先 将肺中的二氧化碳从鼻孔中排出体外,然后再吸气。从鼻孔排出的灼热而强有力的二氧化碳 废气,伴有响亮的尖叫声,并把附近的海水也卷出水面,高度可达10米左右,于是海面上出 现了一股壮观的白色雾柱。
由于长期遭到人类的捕杀,蓝鲸的数量由几十万头如今只剩2000头左右。由于蓝鲸喜 单独活动,活动范围又极其广阔,数量寥寥可数的蓝鲸,极不容易遇见配偶进行繁殖后代。 有人担忧,蓝鲸将难免灭绝的厄运。


This article is about the animal. For other uses, see Whale (disambiguation).
A Humpback Whale.
A Humpback Whale.
Whales are cetaceans which are neither dolphins (i.e. members of the families Delphinidae or Platanistoidae) nor porpoises. Orcas (Killer Whales) and Pilot whales have "whale" in their name, but they are dolphins for the purpose of classification.
The term whale is also sometimes used to refer to all cetaceans or just larger cetaceans.
* 1 Origins and taxonomy
* 2 Anatomy
o 2.1 Anatomy of the ear
* 3 Behavior
* 4 Human effects
o 4.1 Whaling
o 4.2 Sonar interference
o 4.3 Other environmental disturbances
* 5 Whales in culture
* 6 See also
* 7 References
* 8 External links
Origins and taxonomy
A Fin Whale.
A Fin Whale.
See also: Evolution of cetaceans and List of whale species
All cetaceans, including whales, dolphins and porpoises, are descendants of land-living mammals of the Artiodactyl order (even-toed ungulate animals). Both cetaceans and artiodactyl are now classified under the super-order Cetartiodactyla which includes both whales and hippos. In fact, whales are the closest living relatives of hippos; they evolved from a common ancestor at around 54 million years ago.[1][2] Whales entered the water roughly 50 million years ago.[3]
Cetaceans are divided into two suborders:
* The baleen whales are characterized by baleen, a sieve-like structure in the upper jaw made of keratin, which they use to filter plankton from the water. They are the largest species of whale.
* The toothed whales have teeth and prey on fish, squid, or both. An outstanding ability of this group is to sense their surrounding environment through echolocation.
A complete up-to-date taxonomical listing of all cetacean species, including all whales, is maintained at the Cetacea article.
Physical characteristics of a baleen whale.
Physical characteristics of a baleen whale.
Like all mammals, whales breathe air into lungs, are warm-blooded, feed their young milk from mammary glands, and have some (although very little) hair.
The body is fusiform, resembling the streamlined form of a fish. The forelimbs, also called flippers, are paddle-shaped. The end of the tail holds the fluke, or tail fins, which provide propulsion by vertical movement. Although whales generally do not possess hind limbs, some whales (such as sperm whales and baleen whales) sometimes have rudimentary hind limbs; some even with feet and digits. Most species of whale bear a fin on their backs known as a dorsal fin.
Beneath the skin lies a layer of fat, the blubber. It serves as an energy reservoir and also as insulation. Whales have a four-chambered heart. The neck vertebrae are fused in most whales, which provides stability during swimming at the expense of flexibility. They have a pelvis bone, which is a vestigial structure.
Whales breathe through their blowholes, located on the top of the head so the animal can remain submerged. Baleen whales have two; toothed whales have one. The shapes of whales' spouts when exhaling after a dive, when seen from the right angle, differ between species. Whales have a unique respiratory system that lets them stay underwater for long periods of time without taking in oxygen. Some whales, such as the Sperm Whale, can stay underwater for up to two hours holding a single breath. The Blue Whale is the largest known mammal that has ever lived, and the largest living animal, at up to 35 m (105ft) long and 150 tons.
Whales generally live for 30-90 years,[citation needed] depending on their species, and on rare occasions can be found to live over a century. Recently a fragment of a lance used by commercial whalers in the 19th century has been found in a bowhead whale caught off Alaska, which showed the whale to be between 115 and 130 years old.[4] Furthermore, a technique for dating age from aspartic acid racemization in the whale eye, combined with a harpoon fragment, indicates an age of 211 years for one male, making bowhead whales the longest lived extant mammal species.[5][6]
Whale flukes often can be used as identifying markings, as is the case for humpback whales. This is the method by which the publicized errant Humphrey the whale was identified in three separate sightings.
Anatomy of the ear
See also: Evolution of cetaceans
While there are direct similarities between the ears of whales and humans, whales’ ears have specific adaptations to their underwater environment. In humans, the middle ear works as an impedance matcher between the outside air’s low-impedance and the cochlear fluid’s high-impedance. In aquatic mammals such as whales, however, there is no great difference between the outer and inner environments. Instead of sound passing through outer ear to middle ear, whales receive sound through their lower jaw, where it passes through a low-impedance, fat-filled cavity.[7][8]
A Humpback Whale breaching.
A Humpback Whale breaching.
Whales are widely classed as predators, but their food ranges from microscopic plankton to very large fish. Males are called bulls; females, cows. The young are called calves.
As mammals, whales breathe air and must surface to get oxygen. This is done through a blowhole. Many whales also exhibit other surfacing behaviours such as breaching and tail slapping.
Because of their environment (and unlike many animals), whales are conscious breathers: they decide when to breathe. All mammals sleep, including whales, but they cannot afford to fall into an unconscious state for too long, since they need to be conscious in order to breathe. It is thought that only one hemisphere of their brains sleeps at a time, so that whales are never completely asleep, but still get the rest they need. This is thought because whales often sleep with with only one eye open.
Whales also communicate with each other using lyrical sounds, called whale song. Being so large and powerful, these sounds are also extremely loud (depending on the species); sperm whales have only been heard making clicks, as all toothed whales (Odontoceti) use echolocation and can be heard for many miles. They have been known to generate about 20,000 acoustic watts of sound at 163 decibels.[9]
Females give birth to a single calf. Nursing time is long (more than one year in many species), which is associated with a strong bond between mother and young. In most whales reproductive maturity occurs late, typically at seven to ten years. This mode of reproduction spawns few offspring, but provides each with a high probability of survival in the wild.
The male genitals are retracted into cavities of the body during swimming, so as to be streamlined and reduce drag. Most whales do not maintain fixed partnerships during mating; in many species the females have several mates each season. At birth newborn are delivered tail-first, minimising the risk of drowning. Whale cows nurse by actively squirting milk the consistency of toothpaste into the mouths of their young preventing loss to the surrounding aquatic environment.[10]
Human effects
Main article: Whaling
A fossil whale bone found at California Beach
A fossil whale bone found at California Beach
World map of International Whaling Commission (IWC) members/non-members(member countries in blue).
World map of International Whaling Commission (IWC) members/non-members(member countries in blue).
World population graph of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus).
World population graph of Blue Whales (Balaenoptera musculus).
Eighteenth century engraving of Dutch whalers hunting Bowhead Whales in the Arctic. Beerenberg on Jan Mayen Land can be seen in the background.
Eighteenth century engraving of Dutch whalers hunting Bowhead Whales in the Arctic. Beerenberg on Jan Mayen Land can be seen in the background.
Some species of large whales are endangered as a result of commercial whaling from the eleventh century to the twentieth. For centuries large whales have been hunted for oil, meat, baleen and ambergris (a perfume ingredient from the intestine of sperm whales). By the middle of the 20th century, whaling left many populations severely depleted.
The International Whaling Commission introduced a six year moratorium on all commercial whaling in 1986, which has been extended to the present day. For various reasons some exceptions to this moratorium exist; current whaling nations are Norway, Iceland and Japan and the aboriginal communities of Siberia, Alaska and northern Canada. For details, see whaling.
Several species of small whales are caught as bycatch in fisheries for other species. In the tuna fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific thousands of dolphins were drowned in purse-seine nets, until measures to prevent this were introduced. Fishing gear and deployment modifications, and eco-labelling (dolphin-safe or dolphin-friendly brands of canned tuna), have contributed to a reduction in the mortality of dolphins by tuna fishing vessels in recent years. In many countries, small whales are still hunted for food, oil, meat or bait.
Sonar interference
Environmentalists have long argued that some cetaceans, including whales, are endangered by sonar used by advanced navies. In 2003 British and Spanish scientists suggested in Nature that sonar is connected to whale beachings and to signs that the beached whales have experienced decompression sickness. [11] Mass whale beachings occur in many species, mostly beaked whales that use echolocation systems for deep diving. The frequency and size of beachings around the world, recorded over the last 1,000 years in religious tracts and more recently in scientific surveys, has been used to estimate the changing population size of various whale species by assuming that the proportion of the total whale population beaching in any one year is constant.
Despite the concerns raised about sonar which may invalidate this assumption, this population estimate technique is still popular today. Researchers in the area (Talpalar & Grossman, 2005) support the view that it is the combination of the high pressure environment of deep-diving with the disturbing effect of the sonar which causes decompression sickness and stranding of whales. Thus, an exaggerated startle response occurring during deep diving may alter orientation cues and produce rapid ascent.
Following public concern, the U.S. Defense department has been ordered by the U.S. judiciary to strictly limit use of its Low Frequency Active Sonar during peacetime. Attempts by the UK-based Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society to obtain a public inquiry into the possible dangers of the Royal Navy's equivalent (the "2087" sonar launched in December 2004) have so far failed. The European Parliament on the other hand has requested that EU members refrain from using the powerful sonar system until an environmental impact study has been carried out.
Other environmental disturbances
Conservationists are concerned that seismic testing used for oil and gas exploration may also damage the hearing and echolocation capabilities of whales. They also suggest that disturbances in magnetic fields caused by the testing may also be responsible for beaching. [12]
Some scientists and environmentalists suggest that some whale species are also endangered due to a number of other human activities such as the unregulated use of fishing gear, that often catch anything that swims into them, collisions with ships. Toxins and the combination of toxins, particularly POPs (which concentrate up the food chain), are known to cause hearing loss.[13]
Whales are also threatened by climate change and global warming. As the Antarctic Ocean warms, krill populations, that are the main food source of some species of whales, reduce dramatically, being replaced by jelly like salps.[citation needed]
Whales in culture
Whale weather-vane atop the Nantucket Historical Association Whaling Museum.
Whale weather-vane atop the Nantucket Historical Association Whaling Museum.
* A kenning in Beowulf refers to the sea as the "whale-road".
* Procopius mentions a whale, nicknamed Porphyrio by the Byzantines, who depleted fisheries in the Sea of Marmara.
* The King James Version of the Bible mentions whales four times: "And God created great whales" (Genesis 1:21); "Am I a sea, or a whale, that thou settest a watch over me? (Job 7:12); "Thou art like a young lion of the nations, and thou art as a whale in the seas (Ezekiel 32:2); and "For as Jonas [sic] was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" (Matthew 12:40).
o The New International Version uses "creatures of the sea"; "monster of the deep"; "monster"; and "huge fish" respectively instead of the word 'whale'.
o The story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale also is mentioned in the Qur'an.
o John Tavener's composition The Whale is based on the story of Jonah.
* Alan Hovhaness wrote a piece for orchestra entitled And God Created Great Whales.
* The poet Heathcote Williams wrote a long poem entitled Whale Nation.
* In the children's novel The Adventures of Pinocchio and subsequent adaptations, Pinocchio and his father are swallowed by a whale.
* A whaling voyage is the plot of Herman Melville's novel Moby-Dick. In the book, Melville classed whales as "a spouting fish with a horizontal tail", this despite science suggesting otherwise the previous century. (His narrator acknowledged "the grounds upon which Linnaeus would fain have banished the whales from the waters" but writes that when he presented them to "my friends Simeon Macey and Charley Coffin, of Nantucket ... they united in the opinion that the reasons set forth were altogether insufficient. Charley profanely hinted they were humbug" (Chapter 32).) Melville's book is a classic of American literature: part adventure novel, part metaphysical allegory, and part natural history; it is essentially a summary of 19th century knowledge about the biology, ecology and cultural significance of the whale.
* Some cultures associate some level of divinity with the whale, such as in some places in Ghana and the Vietnamese, who occasionally hold funerals for beached whales, a throwback to Vietnam's ancient sea-based Austro-asiatic culture.
* Festivals celebrating whales have sprung in both Sitka and Kodiak Alaska. They feature speakers on marine biology and celebrate the creatures with art, music, whale watching cruises, and symposia.
* In the British series Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy a whale, alongside a bowl of petunias, is created by the use of the Infinite Improbability Drive.







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